Gain access to Manatee County arrest records for target marketing
Manatee County has a population of roughly 400,000 people. For more information on Manatee County, including its history and governmental departments visit the county website. Legal Grab also offers access to Sarasota County, Hillsborough County, Charlotte County, DeSoto County, and more.
Legal Grab provides detailed information on each Manatee County arrestee including full name, residential address, age, sex, race, arrest date, arrest charges and ZIP-AGI. Utilize the personal and demographic data we provide to strategically target your prospective clients in Manatee County.
Our Manatee County arrest data is updated multiple times per day. In some cases our system will display Manatee County jail bookings that occurred less than an hour prior. The data is accurate, delivered via a web app and all addresses are scrubbed to ensure that you do not receive any returned mail.
Legal Grab is the best source for Manatee County arrest mail marketing data. Our service has helped firms increase their revenues and make more money. Sign up with Legal Grab and get instant access to Manatee County arrest records. We highly recommend you do a Free Demo and try our service for free.
Arrests in the past 24hrs
Arrests in the past week
Arrests in the past month
DUI Arrests past week
DUI Arrests past month
Collection, verification and display:
Counties within the State of Florida:
The data provided for each arrestee:
Full Name: The arrestees first and last name.
Address: The arrestees full residential address.
Age: The arrestees age.
arrests added in the past week
Date | First | Last | Age | Sex | Race | Charge 1 | Charge 2 |